Couch to 5k group 2020 – an update!

Four weeks in to our ‘Couch to 5k’ group, and so far so good!  We’ve had a great turnout again this year with over 30 would-be runners all gearing themselves up for the aim of 30-minutes of continuous running on 30 March.  Our beginners are certainly stepping up to the plate in all weathers, wearing their hi viz and raring to go.  Most of them have exclaimed their disbelief at actually enjoying running – which is music to our ears! 

Our run leaders have been fantastic again, helping out, encouraging, and supporting the beginners, who have expressed their gratitude for this.  For some, who have tried running before but were running on their own with music or podcasts, the change to running with a group has reaped rewards and they feel better for it.

So in a nutshell, it’s a really positive vibe, everyone enjoying and looking forward to their next session (even in the depths of winter!) – getting out there in little groups or on their own to run 3 times a week; it’s great to see and hear.  The dynamic warm-ups and static stretching are being followed, some niggles have been ironed out and new shoes have been purchased!

We are all looking forward to the coming weeks, watching the progression and to smile at their enjoyment of the sport – one beginner said last night this is just so good for you, after a day at work, providing fresh air, head space and me time” and that really, sums it up 😊

(Karen H, Ladies Captain)

  • If you’re interested in joining the learn to run group contact us now!
  • Or if you’re already running for over 30 minutes and fancy running with a small & friendly group of people come to a club night and try us out!